The first sound whodunit is easy to guess but still a historical milestone
12 March 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Watching "The Canary Murder Case" is like watching (film) history being written: this is probably the first traditional talkie whodunit to appear on the screen. I don't mind the thoroughly unrestored print, or the fact that some actors (thankfully, not William Powell as Philo Vance) take an eternity to finish their sentences; these things give the movie a certain vintage charm. But the killer is extremely easy to spot early on, turning the movie into a waiting process until all the obvious red herrings are eliminated. Even so, the use of a poker game (right inside the police station!) to determine the psychology of the suspects was certainly an unusual idea. Jean Arthur, who is second-billed, has a very small role (she speaks with a cute Minnie Mouse-like voice). **1/2 out of 4.
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