Doctor Who: Turn Left (2008)
Season 4, Episode 11
Dark, brilliant and unmissable
3 March 2017
When I first saw Catherine Tate playing the loud-mouthed bride in one of the Christmas specials, I have to say my expectations were low. I thought an actress known primarily for comedy would negatively affect the mood of 'Doctor Who', and not allow it to reach the intensity of earlier seasons I'm glad to say that I was proved wrong. Tate's Donna Noble has become arguably the most brilliant companion of the Doctor, and whilst this is largely due to great writing, the acting never disappoints. Catherine Tate's dramatic abilities are released on an unprecedented scale in 'Turn Left', as she is the focus of almost every scene in the episode. Beginning with a light-hearted encounter with a fortune teller, Donna Noble is taken on a terrifying journey which is developed around the question, 'What would have happened if the Doctor never met Donna?'. This may sound like a 'filler' episode, but I'd argue that it is one of the greatest episodes to date. A considerable number of familiar faces return in this episode; I won't say which as I'd be ruining the surprise. What I *can* say, though, is that the performances are all highly praiseworthy, including the one given by the hitherto underused Bernard Cribbins. Overall, I rank this episode very highly. It provides the context for the incredibly decisive final few episodes in this season, but satisfies wonderfully in its own right.
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