Review of The Moderns

The Moderns (1988)
What is the point of this film?
19 February 2017
A pointless film. I have no problem with the film being shot in Montreal or the obvious Quebec accents. I'm not nitpicking here. The story is pointless, the movie is so unentertaining that I needed to check the time several times and I still can't believe it's "just" 2 hours long.

The film is not sure what it wants to be. A criticism of the art world while glamorizing the 20's and the artists of the era? A criticism of the rich who fund the art world while the film idolizes the artist? A story about a divorcing couple? Forgery? What is it exactly?

The 20's thing is just a backdrop. This story could've taken place at any time in any place, but we are given the roaring 20's to make this story more palatable. Most of the good reviews would not even consider watching the film if it were set in modern day New York.

I love the 20's and Europe at the time, but that's not enough for me to watch a bad movie with a poor script.

That's just my opinion. You don't have to believe me, see it for yourself, but then come back and leave a review because if you just quietly walk away from this mess, then it'll only be the 10 star reviews that will stay.
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