The Vidiot Reviews...
15 February 2017
Pork Chop Hill

The army names hazardous areas after food so starving GIs are inclined to invade.

Prime example: the mouth-watering but highly lethal heap of dirt in this war movie.

During the Korean War, a depleted US platoon (Rip Torn, George Peppard, Woody Strode) led by Lt. Clemons (Gregory Peck) is ordered to capture a contentious meat-shaped knoll that's currently being occupied by China's Communist forces.

While he requires more support to fend off the Red multitudes, Clemons' government is unwilling to support him or withdraw his troops from the worthless mound.

As an armistice is hammered out, Clemons and his boys hold off the hordes.

A harrowing tale of bravery and stupidity, this 1959 depiction of the 1953 theater of war doesn't dismiss America's delinquencies in the bloodbath, but instead overrides them with glowing nationalism.

Fortunately for famished troops, a McDonalds will shortly materialize on any property seized by the US.

Yellow Light

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