Uncomfortable at times, painful at others, but a must-see
9 February 2017
The Our Gang series of shorts took place in more urban settings, and there were few overtly racist moments in those shorts - all the kids were playing together, in the same spaces, going in and out of the same doors, in and out of each other's homes, and no reference made to segregation or Jim Crow, etc. There was stereotyping, for sure - the black American kids, the Italian kids, the Asian kids, the fat kids, etc. But the lack of those overt racist moments is probably why these shorts have translated well enough for modern viewing.

But this full-length feature throws all that out the window: here is a story set in the South and presenting enslaved black Americans as happy, sweet simpletons, treated wonderfully by their owners. It's not "Birth of a Nation" bad - more "Song of the South" bad. There's even a conversation 10 minutes into the movie between two slave owners, bragging at how well fed and cared for their slaves are. Buckwheat, here an enslaved child, overhears the violence these owners say they would do on a re-captured runaway slave, and as he is run-away, he is terrified. It's supposed to be a funny moment - but to any halfway caring human being, knowing what really did happen to re-captured run- away slaves, the incredible violence and humiliation that was all too real, it's painful now to watch this scene, to watch this reality made light of. It would be like watching an old movie making fun of the Holocaust. Lots of other cringe-worthy moments as well, like Spanky proudly proving he's a "Southern Gentleman" to Alfalfa by showing off "his" slave, smiling happy Buckwheat.

So, why did I give it a 7? Because it is a PERFECT example of how, 70 years after the Civil War - and beyond - the myths of the happy slave, the genteel white slave owner, the "noble" and brave fighters for the Southern "cause" and the boorish, cowardly Northerners was/is perpetuated in the USA, this time with the overwhelming cuteness and charm of Spanky and Buckwheat, probably the two most popular members of the Little Rascals (they were always my favorites).
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