An action-filled and historical based film.
1 February 2017
Allende, directed by Miguel Littin, is a historically accurate film that covers the events of the Chilean revolution in 1973. It follows Allende, the president of Chile, and his defense of the capital against the Chilean military and the U.S. government. This film is produced for those that are looking at it through a historical lens, and is made from the perspective of someone who knows history well.

Littin directed this film to display bias in favor of Allende and the Chilean government. Littin wanted to shed light on the different perspectives of the Chilean revolution. This of course is not specifically stated. The viewer is left on their own to determine whose perspective the film is looking at. The director shows the film through Allende's perspective by focusing the camera on him and on what he says.

Allende is perfect for educational purposes. It is historically accurate while providing high-quality acting and camera-work. The only criticism one might have is that the whole film is in subtitles, which while it might not pose a problem to some, to others it could be a turn-off. In summary, Allende is the perfect film for the classroom.
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