Same old, tired, cliché story
3 January 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Siempre Tuya Acapulco is written by Alberto Gomez, a Venezuelan writer known for telenovelas with similar trite story lines and characters (Secreto de Amor, Gata Salvaje, Rebeca, Angel Rebelde, Accoralada, Alma Indomable). This is no better, using the most used telenovela rosa storyline: A poor, simple yet beautiful woman (Olvido) falls in love with rich, handsome Diego (Elbitar), they get married, and since she has never ever had a boyfriend or been kissed, she later ends up pregnant and ends up working at Diego's mansion where his ex- girlfriend Iran and her mom do everything possible to make her life a living hell. She later finds her real birth father who dies and leaves her a huge fortune. In typical telenovela style, the villains try to rob her of her fortune and make her suffer until the end where she can finally be happy.

Although this is an original story, the problem is that we have seen this same storyline so many times before. It's like a bad mash-up of Thalia's Maria trilogy being presented in a different way while borrowing all the telenovela troupes one can find. This story just does not work in this century, and some things don't make sense. Why would Olvido allow herself to be trampled on by the villains all the time? That her Aunt completely denied her an education for so many years, then she later becomes a CEO making huge decisions is just unbelievable! Then there is the whole being locked up in a mental asylum and tortured. The villains are cartoonish (as are all Gomez villains in his telenovelas) and are one dimensional and exaggerated. The storyline line might follow the classic novela style, and some might find it entertaining, but this cenicienta story lines are just not realistic anymore. I think with his next telenovela, Alberto Gomez needs to me more innovative with his writing because there are good telenovelas out there that still use the same telenovela troupes but are being innovative with the way the characters and action is being presented.
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