Stitch (II) (2013)
This was something else alright...
30 December 2016
I was initially lured in by the synopsis of this movie, as it sounded like it could actually be interesting enough, despite even the fact that it had Edward Furlong in the lead.

I should have taken heed of the low rating of the movie and probably stayed well clear of this movie, because it turned out to be a waste of time and effort, and I didn't even stick around to finish it. I just simply gave up out of sheer despair and a lacking will to finish this abysmal movie. I managed to stick with the movie to the point where the people had decided to venture out into the wild as the storm was raging, then I just simply had enough...

The storyline just didn't make much sense at all, and things did start out well enough, but quickly slipped down a very steep slope and never managed to get back up. And things fully fell apart when a very strange and horribly fake storm manifested. I have never seen anything as fake and pathetic as that storm. Just what were the special effects team thinking here? As for the characters in the movie, well none of them were memorable, but all of them were flaccid and about as interesting as wet cardboard cut-outs.

And as for the cast in this movie, well let's just say that I wasn't impressed, not in the least. And this might actually, hands down, be the worst movie that I have seen Edward Furlong in - and let's be honest, he does have some questionable titles to his name.

"Stitch" is listed as a horror movie, but there was nothing scary about it. Well, unless if you take the storyline, the lack of acting and the laughable special effects into consideration and call that 'horror'.

I have absolutely no intention of returning to finish "Stitch". There just was nothing, and I do mean, absolutely nothing to warrant justifying spending more time on this ordeal of a movie. The storyline was about as meaningful as watching paint drying on a wall, the characters had absolutely no depth or traits that made you care about them, and the effects were just so poor that your eyes were in danger of bleeding.

Take heed and stay well clear of this movie...
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