This show has been going on for 9 years now??
25 December 2016
What about this show that people find so appealing that it warrants 12 seasons over the course of 9 years escapes me. Kim and her gang of Botox-abusing clowns have no talent to speak of. All the ""drama"" on the show is so obviously scripted and so cringe worthily executed by a bunch of talent-less hacks that it is impossible to get invested at all in their lives.

Overall the show's success can be chalked up to the fact that it is the epitome of what makes reality TV bad. It's cheap to make, features people with no talent but are famous anyway, and somehow manages to rake in millions of viewers.These combined factors pretty much means Keeping Up with the Kardashians is going to continue being one of the top contenders for the biggest embarrassment to American pop culture.
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