Sabotage (1996)
Watch it if there's nothing else on
7 December 2016
Warning: Spoilers
This is a neat little thriller which, while made as a vehicle for the 'new' action star of the '90s, Mark Dacascos, rises above the origins and turns into an entertaining story. While the plot is nothing new - the trend of the '90s thriller is to include police corruption and conspiracy - there are some fresh twists on the tale, enough to keep the viewer constantly intrigued. The story is bolstered by some above average acting from the cast, with most of the actors and actresses being experienced. Even the female lead this time around is an interesting character, and not just a cheap Scully as is the case with so many sidekicks in today's films. Mark Dacascos acquits himself well with the role of the bodyguard, and he's quite charismatic too, not to mention athletic in the action sequences. Playing the villain with sneering intensity is Tony Todd, one of my favourite of today's actors. Todd is perfectly cast as the sinister villain, a role which he fits like a glove, and as always he's eminently watchable. Further down in the cast are Graham Greene, excellent as a corrupt official, and John Neville, who enjoys his camp turn as a wheelchair-bound homosexual.

Surprisingly, the film is quite low on action sequences, specifically martial arts scenes, considering other Dacascos films like DRIVE. However what scenes there are, are interesting and well staged, and there are some varied special effects to add to the role. Notable moments include the clever ending and a scene where Dacascos sets up a lamp to turn on when someone steps outside his door. This would be a pretty boring filler scene in other films, but it's filmed in an interesting, entertaining way, as are the shootouts which serve as the main focus points for the action. SABOTAGE was never going to win any awards for brilliance, but it's a solid little thriller and has more originality and thoughtfulness than many other films I could cite which we see on the video racks today. Catch it if there's nothing better on television.
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