I think I can see why this film is now in the public domain....
19 November 2016
In this heartwarming family film, a strange incestuous lady runs amok killing folks with her sword (Freud would have loved this film). First she kills a hobo but then proceeds to kill darn near everyone she meets. Then, she gyrates about in the most unsexy sex scene in movie history.

Unless your idea of a great film is some psychotic woman murdering people right and left, I think you're better off avoiding "Keep My Grave Open". It's 'murderiffic' but doesn't have any sort of context, back story, decent acting or decent production values...aside from the music. It's clearly an unusual case where the music is really nice...but nothing much about the film speaks quality in any way. Much of this, I am sure, is because the budget appears to be about $45...which is pretty amazing considering how nice the music is.
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