Review of I Origins

I Origins (2014)
Much feelings
8 November 2016
For sure that's a movie which won't let you untroubled. Probably it is better not to know anything about the movie before watching it. For it has surprising (and sometimes sad) moments and takes paths you don't expect at first. The way it is shoot is very poetic, many shots are beautiful and even a little "ethereal", let's say. It made me feel like the movie was some sort of dream. In addition the actors are doing their job quite well, so you're never took outside this strange experience.

Still, this is not perfect, the movie open the thinking for a lot of things without any real and clear conclusion. Sure it fits the general atmosphere of the movie. But in the end, you ask yourself "Did the director had clear thought in mind for this or that ?"

Anyway, it is certainly a good experience and I recommend it ! Especially if you want to discover something unusual and different from mainstream movies.
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