Destroyer (1988)
Pretty routine and mostly forgettable 80's slasher
27 October 2016
Warning: Spoilers
I have not seen Destroyer in many years. I remember thinking this was pretty awesome as a teenager and was a favorite title to rent back in the day. Unlike many other childhood favorites, Destroyer does not hold up as well. This stars former NFL football player Lyle Alzado who plays a vicious serial killer that short circuits his electric chair, causing the prison to lose power and starts a prison riot. There is no trace of Ivan Moser(Alzado) and the prison closes with Ivan Moser's disappearance giving him legendary status. Two years later a film director(Anthony Perkins) uses the film as a set for his low budget skin flick(a women in prison style exploitation movie). Unfortunate for the viewer this stuff is not very interesting. Alzado does pop up and starts killing people off one by one. There is almost no character development on Ivan Moser to explain his back story on how or why he became a homicidal lunatic. Alzado's roid rage rampage is the highlight of the film. While the juice may have helped his performance on the football field, it did not do much for his acting. However, it is Alzado's hulking anabolic presence that separates the film slightly from other slasher films. Alzado was brutal here and there are some good kills here, but the film as a whole is not very good and does little to elevate it from standard slasher fare. Performances range from decent to complete crap and while some of this material is so bad its good, as a whole this is pretty bad. I would not say this film is unwatchable, but now I know why I forgot about this movie for twenty years.
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