My favourite TV-show of all time!
20 October 2016
I grew up with this TV-series. Perhaps I was like 5-6 when I saw it the first time. Totally loved it. I had most of the episodes recorded on VHS and saw them until the cassettes hardly were working anymore. To this day Captain Scarlet remains one of my favourite TV-series of all time, no actually scratch that, it is my favourite of all time. Even now as a grown up I can still see it from time to time. Just as entertaining as it always has been. I have seen several of Gerry Anderson's works like Stingray and Thunderbirds of course. But Captain Scarlet has always been his definitive highpoint for me.

So about the actual series. Captain Scarlet must be one of the most brutal programs aimed at children. There is a lot of violence in it but also the story and themes are dark and serious. Characters die and a lot of them. Sure it's puppets but still very dark atmosphere over it all. There is blood and innocent people getting killed, in cruel ways. The action scenes are thrilling a brilliantly done. Like we knew from his previous shows Gerry Anderson likes to make explosions and Captain Scarlet is no exception. At least one explosion in every episode and sometimes things just blow up for no reason or unrealistically easy. So entertaining. Why are explosions so fun to watch? Compared to Thunderbirds that came before it the episodes in Captain Scarlet were shorter but I don't find that to be any major flaw. The plots are complicated enough and I feel that there is actually real depth in the characters. Far more than one would expect. I actually feel more for these characters than any of Anderson's others or even many other characters I've seen. Very impressive to achieve that in just 32 episodes of 25 minutes. Another proof of the greatness of Anderson. Could it have been even better if the episodes had been at Thunderbirds length, I don't know. The characters are great and so is the voice acting. All voices fit perfectly, which yes is partly because the puppets were modelled after the actors. But also the performance of the voice actors is probably the best in any of Andersons series. Captain Scarlet was the coolest action hero I knew. They changed the look of the puppets to more realistic proportions compared to Thunderbirds and Stingray. Some have pointed out that they don't move as much and more slowly. That is true but it's no problem. They use creative ways to get around these restrictions. In a way this style, not just the appearance of the puppets but also the slower staler movements fit the feel of the show. Having aliens as the villains in a puppet series could have turned out goofy and silly. Could have looked like the aquatic aliens in Stingray. I don't mean that Stingray is sillier in a bad way, not at all it totally fits for that series. Camp can work fine if that is the type of show. It's all a consideration for the filmmakers. Captain Scarlet like I said is of a different more serious type. Making the Mysterons this mostly unseen force and often just an intimidating voice was a masterstroke by Anderson. Less is more is a trick that I've often found to work for the better. Not always showing and explaining everything can make the viewer even more hooked. Just like all of Andersons shows the music is also genius and plays an essential role for the atmosphere and feel. Composer Barry Gray was an absolute master in the field. I can't explain just what a defining role the music scores and sound effects play in all Gerry Andersons productions. So I wrote earlier that the plots are just enough for the show. Still I can admit that now that I'm older one does recognise that a lot don't make sense and many of the episodes have more than one plot hole and a lot of events and actions by characters defy logic. But in some way this just doesn't matter. Too bad that there are just 32 episodes. All of Gerry Andersons shows are short in number of episodes. It seems like he got an idea and worked with it for a while, like a year and then began on something new. Instead of sticking with one like many would he made ten puppet shows. In a way it makes sense to do like that, try different things. Still I which there were more many more. If you have seen the series, you will understand.

Could some of my love for this series be due to nostalgia? Sure I guess. But still I will say that this is an amazing show. Gerry Anderson was a genius. Captain Scarlet is a show that has it all: likable characters, intimidating villains, tense plot and cool action.
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