Anti Drug Campaign
12 October 2016
During the opening credits they do this stylish editing job with a woman submerging herself and playing in what appears to be blood done in awesome cinematography. Are they telling us we're in for a bloodbath? Sadly whoever filmed the opening scene left after the credits never to return.

A group of friends head up to the cottage unaware that the cocaine one of them has is laced with a virus. First symptoms are bleeding eyes then extreme rage followed by the need to eat somebody.

Once you snort the coke it takes a couple of hours for the virus to kick in so when it does they all start attacking each other. You laugh a few times listening to them growl, grunt and groan as they fight. I think the actors weren't too sure if they were zombies, tigers, bears or some new breed of monster. This flick isn't too bad considering we've seen this kind of thing before. Still entertaining though. The effects are quite good as well as there are some violent moments. If you got some time to kill check it out. I wonder if there is some kind of hidden message in this film?
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