If you don't like this, you're wrong
5 October 2016
Brad Neely's Harg Nallin' Sclopio Peepio is last great animated show.

Read the other reviews on this page. Think about those reviewers.

People who don't understand comedy seem to virulently hate this show. I mean, the kind of mediocre corn-fed clones who are responsible for Will Ferrell's career. People who still hang out at the mall.

In a perfect world, people who don't think this show is funny would be fed to starving third-world children and we'd all live in peace forever.

Instead we have all our entertainment dictated by the lowest-common-denominator, low-brow, coke-ravaged, sex-driven, money-obsessed and all the other hyphenated filth that keep the human race from flourishing and evolving into its next stage of existence.

Comedy haters will outnumber us one day. That day is soon.

I give thanks to the Neely for delivering this gift in our time of need.
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