A vivid portrait of Ecuadorian and Latin-American everyday life.
19 September 2016
On a summary, this film depicts a lot of the most intrinsic aspects of a Latin-American country; poverty, money, power, corruption and even soccer. The characters are naturally depicted by the cast, there is no weak figure in the film whatsoever. And as always, Sebastián Cordero takes the audio visual narrative to a perfection from beginning to the end with no single scene written randomly just to fill the film's run-time.

'Sin Muertos no hay Carnaval' will give the viewer a dramatic journey by the everyday life of Ecuadorian's society. The story hooks you up mostly because of the perfectly portrayed linearity; each scene, each dialogue gives an important supporting sense to the general story-line. The actors and actresses cast for this project, were perfectly chosen in order to fill the characters they were going to portray. Finally, to step out of reality for a little bit, the story has a dramatic but positive ending towards minorities, something that in real life rarely happens. By those means giving the viewer a sense of hope at the conclusion of the movie.
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