"Looks like a box to put your doodads in."
12 September 2016
The third and final Wilderness Family movie is mostly more of the same as the last two, except this time they try to add a bit more to the plot. Here we have the family threatened with eviction by The Man, who can't stand to see our favorite hippies being successful in their dream of living off the land and eventually mating with bears and raccoons. Also the mother of our long-haired clan, who was at times borderline hysterical in the last two movies, is tempted with leaving the mountain life behind and returning to the city. But ultimately it's the same as the other movies -- nature footage and corny songs are the best parts. The characters are not particularly bright or relatable but they aren't easy to dislike, even George "Buck" Flower as the creepy mountain man who keeps eyeing the blonde teenage daughter ("Help me out here, I've got somethin' stuck in my pocket."). If you liked the first two movies, you'll probably like this one. If you haven't seen the first two, I would suggest seeing them in order but it's not absolutely necessary.
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