Mildly Entertaining Sexploitation Film
11 September 2016
Confessions of a Psycho Cat (1968)

** 1/2 (out of 4)

Virginia Marcus (Eileen Lord) invites three men to her home. She informs them that they're being offered $100,000 each to have her hunt them. If they can survive twenty-four hours then they get the money.

This exploitation film is obviously a take off on THE MOST DANGEROUS GAME and for the most part it's an entertaining movie that fans of these low-budget thrillers should enjoy. The film certainly has some flaws scattered throughout its short 69-minute running time but there are also enough good things that make it worth watching.

One good thing is the performance by Lord who actually delivers a believable character. The scenes dealing with her breakdown are very realistic and I thought this aspect brought quite a bit to the story, which in reality is rather weak. Another good thing were the three victims. Each of them are given a story as to why they're being hunted but also why they need the money. Add in some nice cinematography and you've got an interesting little movie.

As I said, there are some flaws including the typical lack of story that haunts these types of movies. Even at just 69-minutes there are several scenes that just drag on for no other reason that to try and get the running time up. With that said, there's some sexploitation stuff thrown in including some bizarre sex scenes that spice things up a bit.

CONFESSIONS OF A PSYCHO CAT isn't the greatest movie ever made but it's an interesting take on a familiar story.
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