Maybe if I was On Drugs...
4 September 2016
Warning: Spoilers
Let's admit, for every Rick & Morty, Boondocks, Venture Bros., etc. that's on Adult Swim, we have a bunch of shows that I call "stoner shows." This show, from the creator of a show I barely watched, China, Il, is definitely one of those shows. You can probably go on that assumption just by looking the opening and credit segments, which is more or less a bearded guy wearing nothing but golden chains, sneakers, a headband, and 'the shortest pair of shorts no guy should be wearing in public" dancing around in a rainbow hallway with a grin on his face. For some reason, I call this the best part of the show. The rest of the show is kind of mixed. You can find some things that are funny, but other times, it feels like a twelve year old has written it, then whenever there's a preview for another episode, such as the Bruce Willis skit previewed at the time of this review and "Stripper with a Booger," you pretty much saw part of the episode, with only a few seconds of it left. Such "classic" skits includes an almost terrifying "Cute Corner," some woman singing about the TV guide and a Big Bang marathon (on different episodes of course), Fruit Blood, some band that wears latex fetish suits and sings about random things like "roosters" (a replacement term for the word they actually used) and Cheetos on the floor, girls on bikes singing about buying beer, and a dog...well, let's just say it had something to do with a clock, hamburgers, and other random objects. One character of China, Il, Baby Cakes, does show up in one episode, which has him singing about his dead dog and hoping he's a ghost, which is kind of a sad concept in my opinion. Because yeah, that's all you need for a comedy show these days.

In all honesty, if all I described is actually funny to you, then odds are you'll like this show. However, if you require a little bit more from your jokes, then you can watch *random title of a comedy here* over this. A lot of shows and movies does either random or 12 year old humor a lot better than this, and you can find a better skit show than this, like Robot Chicken for example.
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