Sad, pitiful
23 August 2016
The guy who makes this show is obviously creative, and has great sense of how to animate funny and interesting characters. The first season and a half of China IL, had a wild mix of odd-ball comedy (even by Adult Swim standards), a lot of personality, and even some heartfelt moments. That show ground itself to an unwatchable halt in the third season.

Prior to that season, plots had been strange, but usually provided an engrossing little world, through the strength of the characters. By the third season, the writing had devolved into lazy implementation of plots that increasingly struggled to be funny, while attempting to cobble extremely tenuous devices into thematic conclusions and morals that became more and more forced with every episode. China IL became cringeworthy when it began shoehorning large amounts cheap celebrity/pop culture reference into already suffering plots. The show was canceled and Sclopio Peepio became Adult Swim's reclamation project for Brad Neely.

Neely, instead of playing to the strengths of what was presented by China IL, doubled down on what destroyed it with Sclopio Peepio. This show has potential, but like the dying gasps of China IL, puts zero effort into any element that could make use of Neely's ability to create characters. Its a stream of extremely short sketches and musical numbers, none of which provide enough context for anything to be even mildly entertaining, let alone funny. It likewise relies heavily on pop culture gibberish, to an even more pathetic degree than something like Family Guy or primetime sitcoms. I believe the original title of the show was "TV Sucks." That name would have properly described the low-concept garbage that it became, although the nonsense title it has now is equally accurate.

Its a litany of failed gags, forcefed celebrity elbow-nudging, and truly obnoxious, repetitive musical numbers. I've forced myself through every episode, trying to find some glimmer of hope for this thing; because, as I said I think Neely is an interesting guy with some potential, but there's just nothing worthwhile here. It may be the the worst show that Adult Swim has ever aired, a network that made a name for itself with experimental programming and has produced some incredible dumpster fires over the years. Honestly, its hard to make it past the first sketch or two.
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