Sausage Party (2016)
Sausage Party is a R-rated animated comedy
12 August 2016
Sausage Party is a R-rated animated comedy written by and starring Seth Rogan as Frank, a hot dog who learns the truth about what really happens to food when it's purchased by "the gods" (humans). Frank has to tell everybody else in the food market before it's too late. Other featured voice talent includes Kristin Wiig, Michael Cera, Jonah Hill, and Edward Norton.

This movie is HILARIOUS! I haven't laughed so hard at a movie this year ad much as I did during the opening scene of this movie. The jokes range from over-the-top (how do you like them apples, etc.), and the message might speak to some. I also really liked the animation style, especially in the food characters.

My only complaint with this movie is how raunchy it was. I'm not against foul language or crude humor, but there still needs to be some context with it. When a f-bomb is used every other sentence, it really waters down the effect when language like that could, as Spongebob would say, act as a "sentence enhancer." I was desensitized to the language after 10 minutes of film, so it never effected me when it should have.

Overall, if you can handle some really heavy profanity and humor more offensive than Deadpool, you'll love this movie. If you've ever been offended by language, sexual humor, or racial stereotypes, this movie is not for you.

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