Suicide Squad (2016)
Unbalanced, Yet Entertaining
6 August 2016
Warning: Spoilers
First of all, let me state this very clearly. I'm not DC fanboy nor Marvel fanboy. What I stated in my review is just a personal opinion from years of watching both DC and Marvel movies.

Now, let me first stated this. Suicide Squad has the potential to become a good movie, if only the director put more time on the production and not rush things. Unfortunately, it's the opposite that happened. The unpolished gem with lots of potential in it, has been wrongly polished into a flawed gem. For me, below is the main weaknesses of the movie: 1. Plot that was too thin, shallow and dense. I might say, it's just too dense and too random for me. There's not enough background story to actually support the movie. Sure there's a bit of explanation along the way, but that still doesn't help much, given how little information they give us so far.

2. Dialogues that don't make sense. For this one, I have to highlight the reasoning that were uttered by the outlaws. The reasoning seems unbelievably shallow and the action afterward also doesn't make sense. Another reason why the director should have taken his time to develop the story.

3. Overshadowed members of Suicide Squad. Given the name as a squad, you should at least tell the tale in a fair manner and fair portion, right? But throughout the movie, seems to me, only Deadshot and Harley Quinn get the spotlight. Meanwhile, the rest of the crew (Croc, Boomerang, El Diablo, Slipknot and Katana) were only there to make the actions more interesting. Too bad really.

4. Unnecessary appearance. Talking about this point, bring us to the appearance of Jared Leto as Joker. Sure, all fans have been waiting to see how Leto perform as Joker. While I'm pretty happy with his performance in Suicide Squad, I failed to see the significance of his appearance in the movie. Personally, I think even without Joker showing up, the movie could still progress smoothly.

5. Inspiration that came too late. I admit, this one point is a bit random, but I got my reason. Throughout the movie, I saw some resemblance with Marvel's story telling. In this case, I'm going to compare Suicide Squad with Guardians of the Galaxy which also consists of former outlaws and also used lots of classic songs and some dark humor.

Now, of course it's not fair if I'm only telling about the negative points. Let's see the positive points:

1. Will Smith and Margot Robby. Ironically, one of the down side of the movie, also serve as the savior for Suicide Squad. Both of these marvelous actor and actress are doing really good and (David) Ayer was lucky that these two can carry the flow of the story.

2. Non-Stop Actions. Without this point, Suicide Squad will turn into a very boring movie. Lucky for Ayer, this one point also managed to save the somewhat standard story out of the dark hole it almost fell into. Not the best one, but definitely enjoyable.

3. Jared Leto as Joker. While I lament the unnecessary appearance of Joker in the movie, I'm actually relieved to see that Leto has shown yet another interesting version of Joker. Leto's version in this one was shown as someone psychotic crazy and yet charming. Of course we can't just compare his appearance in this one to those of Heath Ledger's just yet, as Leto's total screen time is probably not more than 8-10 minutes. It's actually interesting to see what kind of Joker will come out later on to make Batman's life a living hell.

All in all, even though it's dense and shallow, but truth be told, it's still quite interesting to watch the action. At least the action is quite good (though some of it are unbelievable) and both Will Smith and Margot Robby have performed wonderfully as Deadshot and Harley Quinn.

If you're looking for a movie with complex and dark story, than this is definitely not for you. But if you're the type that can go easy on the movie and just enjoy what you see, you will not regret watching it. I give it 7/10.
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