31 July 2016
A year ago, I was with a buddy browsing through the "Animated Films For Children" section of Netflix, to see what kind of trash we could get a good laugh at. We stumbled upon this film and thought the picture looked sort of anime-ish. We decided we'd check it out and were not prepared for what we got. My friend couldn't take much more of it beyond the first 3 minutes, so I ended up watching the rest by myself. My gosh. I don't have the right words to describe how hilariously bad this film is. The dialogue is trash, the story is all over the place and makes no sense, there's nothing remotely interesting or likable about any of the characters, and the animation is beyond wonky and jerky that I found myself laughing it more than the "comedy". And, despite both Tom and Finn being little kids, the character designs make them both look like teenagers (especially Finn). And the other characters' designs look really unappealing when you put them all side by side; some are very cartoon-ish looking, and some look more like comic-book/anime rip off spawns drawn by people who just wanted to go home that day. And the voice acting is... not great. It's not the worst, but it definitely isn't great.

The musical segments (yes, this film has musical segments, and LOTS of them) have possibly the most bland song writing I have ever heard. And everyone's singing voice is different from their normal voices. There are a lot of films that do this that aren't bad, but none of them ever sounded this jarring. Every song is complete nothingness, and all sound the same. The only thing that kept my attention in those segments were the terrible choreography and jerky animation, as well as how unfitting the music went with the scene it was placed in. For example, there is a funeral scene (it's not a real funeral, though, I'm not entirely sure what it is... hell I don't think even the movie knows what it is) in this film that has a musical segment and it is the second funniest scene in the entire film, only to be beaten out by the song that immediately (and I'm serious when I say 'immediately') follows.

There are also bizarre cut-away fantasy segments that do nothing but lengthen the film's run time. There are also countless moments, that I can't tell if it's the writer's, editor's, director's, or animator's fault, that make you question what's even going on. And I won't give away the ending, but just so you know, wow does it take a weird turn. I felt dumbfounded. It is such a bizarre way to end... anything. I haven't even scratched the surface of this mind-boggling film-trash. There is so much wrong that went into this film that it's remarkable. This is on the same level of The Room in terms of so being bad it's good. I highly recommend it to those who enjoy subjecting themselves to terrible films. Watch it with your buddies, share a few drinks, and have some laughs at something so incredibly dumb-founding that it's not worth subjecting to young, impressionable rugrats.
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