Knight Rider 2010 (1994 TV Movie)
Appalling production values
23 July 2016
When the popular KNIGHT RIDER TV series finished, I guess the producers weren't quite ready to give up the ghost because they produced a couple of follow-on TV movies in the years after. The first at least had Hasslehoff to tie it into the series, whereas KNIGHT RIDER 2010 has absolutely nothing to do with the show or indeed even the spirit of the show.

Sure, there's an armoured car with weapons in a couple of scenes, but that's the only scant connection. The rest of this is set in a post-apocalyptic world, with heavy nods to the MAD MAX films, where an evil organisation is presided over by a disabled scientist and our loner hero must use his wits and his high-powered car to rescue a kidnapped woman. Oh, and there's something about illegal organ donation, too. The acting is wooden beyond belief, the lead actor is simply terrible, and the production values are so appalling as to be non-existent which renders the many action scenes laughable. The one thing this has going for it is a villainous Brion James in typically arresting form, but sadly he can do nothing to save the film itself.
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