What's old is new again
30 June 2016
Warning: Spoilers
Plot; The crew of DS9 are transported back in time where they cross paths with James T. Kirk... and a space station full of furry tribbles.

I recently purchased 'Star Trek: TOS' on Blu-Ray, and among its many bonuses were two non-TOS episodes featuring those furry fornicating tribbles. The first of the two was from the animated Trek series from the 1970s. The other was this retro cross-over episode made in conjunction with Trek's 30th anniversary. I'd only ever seen one episode of 'DS9' before. This one. Stumbling into it about half way through, I was amused and amazed by its clever execution. 20 years later, nothing's changed.

I'm not familiar with the cast of 'DS9', their personalities or the hierarchy--both in terms of rank and character "importance" (though it's always truck me as a true ensemble in the spirit of 'TNG'). No matter. Here they're fans just like I am. They walk wide-eyed through the halls of the Enterprise, giggling like kids whenever one of the legends of that era make an appearance, and I was giggling right along with them. With the "Trouble With Tribbles" episode still fresh in my mind, I was really able to appreciate how well executed this episode is. What could've been a gimmick--and a bad one--was instead a fun, breezy blast of nostalgia that pulled off an exceptional technical feat by mid-90s standards. For the most part new and old blend seamlessly together, putting us right back into that classic episode, but seeing it from a completely new perspective. As I said, I don't really know the 'DS9' crew save for Worf and O'Brien, who were previously part of 'TNG', but I found myself liking them and have pledged to give 'DS9' a shot in the not too distant future (no pun intended).
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