The Interestings (2016 TV Movie)
Great acting. Great directing. A class act. Grounded and emotionally resonant!
21 June 2016
This show just spoke to me on so many levels. It was the camp life I never had, the tight knit group I never really found in high school, the heady hubris filled conversations I longed to have but didn't. I eventually found a similar group in a different manner but SO recognized the archetypes and identified in such a profound way..with the hope, the sense of nostalgia, the sense of envy and the inevitable sense of loss....the gorgeous, nut somewhat melancholy pilot had more lows than highs but am supposing this will vary week to week as life does. most importantly it all felt grounded and Emotionally resonant. Great directing. Great acting. A class act. And the kind of show I have been missing for a while. Where have Ellen the great emotionally fraught but realistic dramas gone? I hope to Amazon!!
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