Horror brilliance
18 June 2016
'Bloodshock' is nightmarish, tender, perfectly paced and very intense. It's not derivative at all but it did, in some ways, remind me of 'Eraserhead' and 'Le Chien Andalou'. Having seen both AGP films in a row I've noticed that they absolutely excel at sound mixing ('Bloodshock' even uses some delicate piano notes to chilling effect) and the use of textured film-stock. I was utterly gripped for the entire 90 minutes and the tension (and weirdness) built up beautifully. 'Bloodshock' is a film that I expect to be recommending to people for a long time to come - it's definitely my favourite horror film on 2016, so far. Marcus Koch (the special effects guru behind 'Bouquet of Guts and Gore') proves that he is a brilliant and visionary director. I don't want to give anything away, so I won't say anything about what actually happens in the film...but you need to see it!
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