Forgettable Norris nonsense
15 June 2016
"Code of Silence" is a lacklustre Chuck Norris vehicle that goes nowhere interesting. It's also confusingly plotted, with half hour gaps in between important plot points so that you forget about them in the interim.

The employment of action movie clichés is at least a source of unintentional comedy here. Norris is the typical lone wolf cop that action heroes usually are. The movie handles this so badly that his actions in fact serve as a demonstration of why police are supposed to have partners. Norris leaves his own partner behind constantly, and then gets involved in situations that wouldn't have occurred if he hadn't been so foolish. For example, in one scene a girl is taken hostage by a thug while he uses his martial arts skills to dispatch a bunch of other crims before giving chase. If his partner had been with him the girl probably wouldn't have been taken - he could have stopped the kidnapping while Chuck dealt with the other bad guys, or vice versa. The fact that she was taken means she could have easily been killed or otherwise injured. Either way, I'm sure she'll get a nice case of PTSD. Nice going, Chuck.

The movie also doesn't let Chuck play to his strengths, or, er, strength. Apart from the scene mentioned above, he only really breaks out his martial arts skills once, in a fight that is admittedly impressive, but ends with Chuck getting his butt kicked. This will be unbelievable to anyone who remembers those jokes floating around about him back in the mid 2000s.

Chuck without martial arts isn't much of a Chuck at all. He doesn't have the personality to come off as anything other than a weirdo as he wanders around leaving his partner behind and, at one stage, pulling guns on a police robot. The superb character actor, Henry Silva, also barely does anything as a villain we hardly get to see. Thus we get two wastes in one movie.
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