Getting lost in your own ambition
11 June 2016
For a movie with an interesting plot, and enough well known talents to have you assume the best, this movie seems to get lost in itself.

The film starts off with a story that will make you want to know more and characters that you want to see grow in front of your own eyes. I was intrigued by all of this and was excited to see what would happen to all of these people.

The story starts off well executed and with a simple yet surprisingly fun story.

But somewhere around the halfway point, the movie does a U-turn. Taking back everything that it made you grow attached to. With the story, the characters and even the setting turning into something that doesn't quite click with all of it's own setup.

I was left confused as to the reasoning behind the deeper motives of the main character. And I was also inclined to ask why this movie shook loose all of these characters that it spent time persuading you were going to be a bigger part.

This movie had a great setup with some well thought out story telling, but by the end I was left not caring about what happened to who, or why they were there in the first place. And the only thing that I took was the message that they were trying to send about women's rights. That right there was the only thing that i could gather from it's shaky story telling, but even that seemed to be undermined by the protagonist's motives.
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