Not among MST3K's worst
26 May 2016
If this film had at least a thousand votes, it would be on the IMDb Bottom 100! I don't find the film to be that awful...but it's still awful. It was at least nice to see a familiar face with George Reeves. Then again, I never watched the original "Superman" show. It's extremely boring and is mostly nothing but talk. There's a bunch of scenes of the two main characters fighting, usually for no reason. The special effects are just bad, as you can easily tell it's just nothing but a bunch of cheap stock footage of random animals. There is way too much exposition, as in way too much talking. In the end, the entire film is too boring and too pointless.

Maybe it was just the MST3K version, but the quality just seemed terrible. The shading was way off in this and it seemed like some vague blue color. It just wasn't pleasant to look at. It could have been dumber, but that's not saying much. *1/2.
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