Batman: Pop Goes the Joker (1967)
Season 2, Episode 57
A more exacting satire of the 60s fad for pop art
22 May 2016
"Pop Goes the Joker" satirizes the 60s fad for pop art, which was funny in a way because the series itself was already a statement, making a colorful splash on its debut some 14 months earlier, inspiring greater sales in color TV sets. Cesar Romero's Joker makes his final two parter this second season, his latest caper seemingly over before it starts, invading the gallery of Bernie Park (Reginald Gardiner) just to cause a disturbance by spray painting the works of art on display. After Batman makes quick work of the grinning gargoyle, Park immediately tries to appease the artist Oliver Muzzy (Fritz Feld, later seen in "The Joker's Flying Saucer"), only for Muzzy to show his gratitude to Joker for improving his work! This unlikely turn of events leads Joker to enter a contest sponsored by wealthy socialite Baby Jane Towser (Diana Ivarson), opposite such challengers as the Dutch painter Vincent Van Gauche, Spanish Pablo Pincus (Duke Fishman), American Jackson Potluck (Mike Morelli), and Italian Leonardo Da Vinski (Chester Hayes), who simply stands back and lets his monkey do all the work. Three minutes isn't enough to create a masterpiece, but in producing nothing but a blank canvas, titled 'Death of a Mauve Bat,' The Joker wins more than a contest, starting a school of art for wealthy patrons only, with the backing of Baby Jane Towser (Da Vinski's monkey shows his extreme displeasure at losing!). Naturally, Bruce Wayne insists on joining Joker's classes, but his veiled insults almost have his tutor ready to pull out his green hair. The charade ends abruptly, with Joker holding his entire class hostage for a pretty penny, even Baby Jane, and when Robin alone shows up to do battle, he naturally assumes that Batman is too cowardly to face him. With Bruce Wayne a captive audience, Robin is tied up into Joker's new Mobile, filled with giant, razor sharp palette knives, rotating in circular motions to make mincemeat out of the Boy Wonder!
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