Batman: The Penguin's Nest (1966)
Season 2, Episode 27
How can a Penguin lose his cool?
21 May 2016
"The Penguin's Nest" begins like most of those with Burgess Meredith, the wily bird seemingly gone straight, this time opening a high class restaurant catering to the rich and famous, who are required to write out their orders and sign them. When Penguin makes the mistake of trying to filch a bracelet from Aunt Harriet right in front of Chief O'Hara, Commissioner Gordon is ready to slap the cuffs on the mangy bird. Bruce Wayne's suggestion to consult Batman meets with disapproval from Penguin, who insists on being taken to prison, which sets off red flags galore. It doesn't take long for Batman to figure out The Penguin's scheme, considering all the signatures he has garnered from Gotham City's wealthiest patrons, with his reserved cell at the penitentiary right next to that of expert forger Ballpoint Baxter. When the Dynamic Duo finally accede and arrest the felonious fowl, he's dismayed to find himself incarcerated at a petty crooks facility, reduced to a 'bush league bird.' Kidnapping and threatening the life of Chief O'Hara is enough to get Batman racing to the scene, unaware of the bullet riddled reception that awaits. Grace Gaynor shows off her killer legs in a one piece hat check girl outfit, while the henchmen are in the capable hands of serial and Western veteran Lane Bradford, and marvelous ethnic comic Vito Scotti. David Lewis makes the fourth of his eight appearances as Warden Crichton, while the Batclimb cameo comes from Ted Cassidy, in his familiar guise as Lurch, butler of THE ADDAMS FAMILY, apparently playing the series theme on his harpsichord!
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