Batman: Give 'Em the Axe (1966)
Season 1, Episode 24
Will Batman wax serious?
19 May 2016
Warning: Spoilers
"Give 'Em the Axe" sees Batman using the shiny buckle on his utility belt to deflect a shaft of sunlight toward an unstable compound that explodes when heated, leaving the Dynamic Duo unconscious on the floor, though The Riddler (Frank Gorshin) again assumes that they are dead. At the museum to search for the sarcophagus of Incan Emperor Hualpo Cuisi, inside which should be found the fabled lost treasure, he's only momentarily interrupted by Robin, who confirms that Batman is dead. Imagine the villain's surprise when the shadow of the Bat appears to haunt him once again, this single handed Batfight ending with each crook encased in a different torture device. Another welcome hint at Riddler's egomaniacal genius, insisting on phoning Commissioner Gordon to report that Batman and Robin are dead, and to taunt with another puzzle: "crime is no fun without riddles!" Gorshin's high pitched giggle would be heard a fourth time this first season, before joining the rogues gallery of arch criminals in the feature film.
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