Rainbow Six: Siege (2015 Video Game)
Simple, but Great and Highly Re-Playable
14 May 2016
In just one sentence: Rainbow Six: Siege is a great shooter that is a lot of fun to play.

There isn't really much of a story. There are terrorists and different CTUs from around the world need to stop them. So, don't go in expecting a story. As there really isn't one.

The graphics for the game are quite good and passable for a late 2015 game. The weapons look sleek and well designed. The sounds they make are incredible.

The gameplay is where Siege shines. Simple, but intense, every moment mattering games that change every round. Each round, a group of attackers seek out the defenders and try to eliminate them. The defenders have time to prepare by setting up reinforced walls, dropping body armor for your teammates, and placing trip mines. Every second that goes by matters, and any second something can happen. Ranging from a drone entering a room to mark players, to a wall exploding, to a flash bang going off and blinding everyone, to a bullet coming through a window and killing your teammate. This is before getting into how important sound is. Listening to your surroundings can save your life and help you achieve victory.

If you are looking for a shooter that will keep you playing for weeks and even months, Rainbow Six: Siege is the game for you!
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