Batman: The Catwoman Goeth (1966)
Season 2, Episode 34
A stitch in time
14 May 2016
"The Catwoman Goeth" finds Batman easily evading the stitching machine by allowing it to cut loose one of his bonds, removing his utility belt, and swinging it into position to shut the contraption off! Meanwhile, Robin recovers from his sleeping sickness in Catwoman's electrified maze, before Batman confronts the flirtatious kitten to inform her that Sandman has run off to marry J. Pauline Spaghetti (Spring Byington) and her billions. With Catwoman again in custody, the Caped Crusader rescues Robin (offscreen), then rushes to the Batboat to make their way to J. Pauline Spaghetti Island, where the wealthy widow has buried all four of her husbands, prompting a priceless double take from Sandman when he notices an empty space intended for number 5! It's not much of a Batfight to conclude this one, but considering the alterations it could have been a total flop (resulting in many details being talked about but never shown). One sequence that seemed odd was when the Caped Crusader recovers his stolen Batmobile, only to be lectured on three separate traffic violations from by-the-book officer James Brolin! (first seen in "The Cat and the Fiddle," next seen in "Ring Around the Riddler"). The British Michael Rennie was actually a better choice than the rotund Robert Morley, no doubt quite comfortable in his custom made fur coat, remembered for his starring role as Klaatu in 1951's sci fi classic "The Day the Earth Stood Still," more recently returned to the genre in the 1966 "Cyborg 2087" and appearances on both TIME TUNNEL and LOST IN SPACE ("The Keeper"). Julie Newmar's previous episode was only two weeks ago, her next in three weeks, quite busy building her iconic Catwoman into the stuff of male dreams. This was only the second series appearance for the Batboat (and its last), after "Walk the Straight and Narrow," in the same stock footage shot for the feature film.
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