Batman: Walk the Straight and Narrow (1966)
Season 2, Episode 2
Who giveth a damn?
8 May 2016
"Walk the Straight and Narrow" concludes the dreary Archer opener featuring a disinterested Art Carney shooting more crooked arrows than Cupid, forgivable considering the incredibly poor script from the usually reliable Stanley Ralph Ross. After foiling The Archer's attempt to spear the Dynamic Duo, Batman keeps an eye on the smarmy Allan A. Dale (Robert Cornthwaite), eventually revealed to be in league with the nefarious Archer. Sam Jaffe puts in a cameo as Zoltan Zorba, calling attention to the arch criminal's hoax, the money intended for Gotham City's destitute counterfeit, the actual stash hoarded on a ship off of Fire Cove, the show's first sighting of the Batboat, in stock footage shot for the recently completed feature film (only one further appearance, in "The Catwoman Goeth"). A sadly pedestrian sword fight provides a fitting climax to a lackluster two parter, after which things could only get better.
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