Batman: The Great Escape (1968)
Season 3, Episode 21
Cliff Robertson tops his earlier incarnation as Shame
1 May 2016
"The Great Escape" proves that regular writer Stanley Ralph Ross was still capable of turning out an enduring classic even in this budget conscious third season, marking the return of Cliff Robertson's cowboy villain Shame, this time co-billed with real life bride Dina Merrill as new girlfriend Calamity Jan, accompanied by her mother and ever present chaperone, Frontier Fanny (Hermione Baddeley). Jane and her Fanny bust out Shame in a rented tank, hiring the two single best henchmen the series ever had, Victor Lundin and Barry Dennen. Lundin, previously The Penguin's goon Octopus in "Fine Finny Fiends"/"Batman Makes the Scenes," had also starred with Adam West in the 1964 "Robinson Crusoe on Mars," towering as Chief Standing Pat, decked out in buckskins and full Native American headdress, continuously bumping his head going in and out of doorways. Barry Dennen plays a slimy Mexican bandit called Fred, his initials for 'Fernando Ricardo Enrique Domingues,' who inexplicably speaks with a perfect upper class British accent, while the Chief communicates with smoke signals from his cigar. One classic exchange between the dimwitted cowpoke and the upper class Mexican twit: "the pleasure is entirely mine, you may be sure...your lucidity is surpassed only by your remarkable command and penchant for gibberish!" Shame's boast that he will steal a rock and a roll leads the Caped Crusader to the Gotham City Stage, an opera house where Leonora Sotto Voce (Dorothy Kirsten) is robbed of her diamond 'rock,' and partner Fortissimo Fra Diavolo (Brian Sullivan) is stripped of his massive bank 'roll.' Fear gas finds the Terrific Trio begging for mercy from the rejects from an old time Western movie, capped by Shame's comment: "how do you like that, scaredy bat!" Watch for LEAVE IT TO BEAVER's Jerry Mathers in an unbilled cameo as Pop, the stage doorman, about five decades too young for the job!
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