Hellions (2015)
Style but no Soul
30 April 2016
This movie is clearly a piece of pro-life propaganda from about five minutes in and while philosophical stances in movies and using horror as allegory is not always a bad thing, in this case it is just too heavy handed and shallow to really be any good.

There is barely any thought given to character or plot and it is more all about creating striking visuals to drive home the message of how wrong it is to have an abortion. Whatever your stance on the issue it does not mean that you can't make a subtler and more thought-provoking film on the subject, otherwise you are just preaching to the converted.

If you can look past the blatant bias that this movie possesses then there are some cool visuals and a dream-like feel that makes the film pretty unique considering it seems like the people who made it didn't actually care about the substance of their product. Still though I can't recommend a movie for style alone so I would give this one a miss, unless you just want to be told what you already know.
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