Please End My Suffering
29 April 2016
Warning: Spoilers
Sorry but there are actually some movies that should never have been made. People should never have invested in these movies or if they did should have had their money returned with interest. Don't get me wrong, I honestly understand that there are people out there with a strong desire to create something, to make a movie no matter how little money or talent they have. And I understand that there are people who work on their crew that want to someday move on to bigger and better things. But please, please, please don't make the rest of us sit through movies like this. Stop before you start, get more money to make it right, get some talented people to help you along and nurse you until you are ready to make the leap to bigger and better things. Just don't make the rest of us suffer through a movie like this.

From Cheezy Flicks, a company whose claim is that they want to release some of the cheesiest movies ever made, they finally have a film that qualifies. I've seen many movie from this company that are actually quite good and don't deserve the moniker of cheezy but this one…well…yeah it makes the top tier of those kind of films.

The movie revolves around the great grandson of the legendary doctor who is experimenting on people he injects with a serum that increases their aggressive tendencies. So much so that he eventually turns them loose on one another resulting in a number of mixed martial arts matches that help pad out the mind numbing 88 minutes this film last. Add into the mix a hunchbacked assistant, a lobotomized sister he may or may not abuse sexually, a woman he is in love with he keeps prisoner and her father who he tries to get assistance from in his experiments and you have the makings of…well…I'm not quite sure. Except for the name I don't think of this as a horror film. It's not really a martial arts film either even though it contains enough fight sequences to qualify. It's definitely not a love story. I think the best way to describe it is one big mess.

Terrible acting, terrible plot, terrible script and even the production values are bargain basement bad. I read someone say that the reason the movie is so dark is that there were power cuts in San Francisco when it was being filmed. Really? You don't turn on lights to shoot a movie and use that as the reason why? I'm not even sure if this movie qualifies for a Golden Turkey award as even most of those films had something to enjoy in them. This movie offers nothing. If a movie could make your eyes bleed, this would be that film. Anyone who gives this film a high rating does so because they have some form of money invested in it or know someone who was involved in the making of it. No sane person could recommend it.
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