Batman: The Wail of the Siren (1967)
Season 3, Episode 3
Joan Collins makes for a Siren indeed
25 April 2016
Mere months after her legendary romance with Captain Kirk in STAR TREK's "The City on the Edge of Forever," Joan Collins takes center stage as Special Guest Villainess on BATMAN (seen in cahoots with Frank Gorshin's Riddler in the previous episode), as Lorelei Circe aka The Siren, her ability to hit two octaves above high C able to put all men under her entrancing spell. Henchmen Mike Mazurki and Cliff Osmond get to ogle the scantily clad Joan in an outfit that might even make Julie Newmar blush, making for a most perfect Siren indeed, ingeniously plotting to foil Batman by getting Commissioner Gordon to stow away in the trunk of the Batmobile, emerging to the stunned eyes of the dusting Alfred, instantly recognizing the voice that frequently answers the Batphone and deducing that the Caped Crusader must be Bruce Wayne. On top of that, Siren also plans to have Wayne sign over his entire fortune to her, leaving him a penniless fop, everything going to plan until the timely intervention of Robin and Batgirl, the latter allowing the Boy Wonder to lead the charge to the rooftop to prevent a certain millionaire from leaping to his death. One of the third season's best episodes, not surprisingly from the pen of regular Catwoman writer Stanley Ralph Ross, the best gag showing the portrait of a safe on the Wayne Foundation wall, behind which can be found a safe!
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