A comedy with a twist!!!
19 April 2016
Just finished watching this film and I have to say... it's decent.

I started my rating at a 6/10 and would tick off or add on .5 points every time I saw something I disliked/liked. There were many details that this film failed with that kept it from being higher than a 7. Small details such as the film experts complaining about how expensive the equipment is, then laying it in the middle of the ground and leaving it shortly after. Small details such as a woman standing outside of a window for twenty straight minutes and no one thinking that something might be up.

To keep things short, this movie is a Comedy. Dark Comedy? Maybe. Horror? Definitely not. The only thing horror about this is the creepy glances that the natives give the visitors every once in a while, and even those aren't scary.

Should you watch this movie? Yes! I found a lot of the humor, well, humorous. Which is rare in most "comedies" nowadays. Even in the last quarter I found myself laughing (when a certain someone dies and Alex runs back into the house, that was absolutely brilliant). A lot of people are saying "nothing happens until the last twenty minutes" but they're wrong. A lot happens, it's just not what they wanted to happen.

Also, kudos to the actors for giving life to what would've have been a complete failure of a movie! Even Mia Faith brought character to a stereotypical Spoiled, Rich Blonde character.
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