Mr. Celebrity (1941)
A sweet little movie
4 April 2016
Warning: Spoilers
Came across this movie on YouTube... Doubting I would see the more notorious Doris Day in it (as any fan worth his/her salt knows her first movie was, "Romance On The High Seas") but still... I was curious.

This was a sweet little movie. I'm sure it's not the first movie about someone trying to gain custody of a child from a person they disapprove of and, adversely, the kid is reluctant to leave. Sure, the plot line is quite familiar today... but, I'm gonna guess that (back then) it probably wasn't, yet, 'old hat' or overworked.

It's too bad the picture quality was so bad. Not sure if someone, out there, has a better copy than whoever posted it. The scene at the gas station (quite touching) and the last scene (the judge is priceless) were the best parts for me.

All in all, it wasn't a waste of time to watch. It was mildly entertaining... a rather white bread mediocre film, but likable. And I learned something about apples and horses too. You could, easily, watch it once and not feel guilty, depressed or had for doing so. It may not be Barrymore or Shakespeare in the Round either (but, seriously, how many pictures are?)

Not sure anything I wrote, here, would be considered a "spoiler", but I marked it just in case.
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