My impressions of the film
27 March 2016
Warning: Spoilers
We just finished watching the film, though I pre-ordered and have had it for a bit. It just so happens I was feeling in a darker place today, and my wife grabbed it and popped it in. I loved the original, as one who grew up a confused, sometimes crazed, punk n the 80s and into the 90s (I was an adult in the 90s but somethings you just hold onto) I massively identified with so much in SLC Punk. In life with and the death of others, it was all so familiar, a bit like the story of my life, and I know so many others as well. I mean I cried when Bob died, just as teary and snotty as Steveo! I never really expected a sequel. When I heard there was going to be one, I was super excited for it, I had mixed feelings on it. After all, how can you build on such a thing? Well let me just say that it was more than I expected, in so many ways. I saw myself in Ross. Having lost my own father around the same time SLC Punk came out, and not really truly knowing him, it hit home. Walking through life sort of numb, shielded and not letting others in, yes, I identified with that. Being betrayed and shattered when he did, once again I did. Going off into chaos and the unknown, truly trusting his friends and letting them in, once again, I saw something of me. Even him falling for Penny, it was so much like me and my wife. I used to think love was a lie, a thing we deceived ourselves with, just like Ross. It was rather funny, I told my wife, hey it's me and you! Yes the roles were a bit reversed, I was the punk and she was the goth. But exterior aside, inside is where it's at right? Well, dare I ramble on to much, I'll just leave it at this. This was a truly worthy continuance of the story and characters so many of us loved and identified with. In so many ways that I didn't point out, this is a brilliant and moving as well as entertaining film, thank you for your obvious labor of love!
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