Great remaster of this Italian classic
1 March 2016
Arrow Video are very good at remastering old crime and exploitation classics and breathing new life into them. This is from 1966 and stars Austrian actor Robert Hoffman as Luciano Lutring – he was a famous jewellery thief who used a sub machine gun for some of his heists. He was seen as a romantic figure at the time – though God only knows why. He did work at a dairy before he met his future wife. This is the singer - at the less salubrious venues – Yvonne, played by Lisa Gastroni . He falls in love with her and then decides to give her everything fabulous by stealing it.

He gets involved with other gangs and goes on a crime spree across Europe but mainly France and Italy. The film tells his story and it does it in a style that was very much the sixties. Lutring is a bit of a misogynist with a violent temper but Hoffman plays him brilliantly. Those of a certain age will remember him from the sixties TV series 'Robinson Crusoe' that was a staple of children's summer TV on the BBC etc. There are some continuity errors and the plot seems to jump in places but they are fairly minor in the overall scheme.

The quality of the print does vary from excellent to passable which is fine for a transfer of a film this old. The sound is all dubbed as was the way then but I got used to that fairly quickly too. It is also a great time capsule with regards to the fashions, the cars, music dancing – everything. At two hours too I felt this may out stay its welcome but far from it. This is one for those who love Italian crime capers of a certain era, but do not expect modern techniques to be on show here and you will be far from disappointed – recommended.
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