A disappointment after all these years, but a good watch nevertheless
27 February 2016
As a fan of the original movie I was really looking forward to the sequel. Of course the fact that Ang Lee wasn't directing it made me sceptical, but I thought I should give it a chance. Turns out that the movie pales in comparison to it's predecessor in terms of fighting choreography and story.

BUT the visuals were pretty good, the film looks pretty fantasy-like (which could be a turn-on or turn-off for some people) and the movie had some great fights and nice character interactions. The best part about this movie is the return of Michelle Yeoh and also some parts of the original soundtrack which gave me goosebumps at some parts of the movie.

Donnie Yen was also a great addition, though I'd prefer Zhang Ziyi to be a part of it...

At the end of the day it's a good martial arts movie with stunning fight scenes and a decent plot. Compared to the first movie it's kinda bland, but hey, you can watch it for free if you're a user of Netflix, so that's a plus.

Just don't expect another masterpiece and you might enjoy this.
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