Love Streams (1984)
Extremely boring drama
9 February 2016
This movie is not a comedy as listed, it is pure drama. It is also an extremely bad drama not worth the effort of watching. While the movie touches on subjects such as mental illness, divorce and child custody it only does so in a very superficial way. There is no point to this movie as absolutely nothing happens except the mundane and the ordinary. There is no suspense, shock, plot twists or clever invention and is in no way thought provoking. The movie just meanders along boring the audience to death. Don't be fooled by the high rating there is nothing good about this movie. The story line is incredibly basic and the ideas are simple. You would find more drama and intrigue at your workplace than in this movie. At times the acting is so wooden you would think you were watching a low budget B Grade movie. So forget this movie and find something else to watch.
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