A really cheap kung-fu/karate crap-fest.
2 January 2016
Centuries ago, a White Warrior (Eric Lee) vanquishes The Master Demon (Gerald Okamura) by chopping off its hand, which is taken to a Shaolin temple where it is placed in a wooden box and guarded by a monk. Cut to the present day, where martial artist Tong Lee (also played by Lee, sporting a cropped, mesh t-shirt!) is charged with defeating the forces of evil, who are attempting to restore The Master Demon to full power by reuniting him with his hand. Teaming up with private eye Cameron (Steve Nave) and overweight cop Wayne (with a little help from Wayne's big-breasted Karate girlfriend Jan, played by Ava Cadell), Tong does battle with countless demonic baddies, including a muscle-bound female demon who has been taking style tips from Tina Turner and Cher, before finally facing The Master Demon.

The Master Demon is a total mess, with a terrible script, lousy special effects, awful performances, poorly choreographed fight scenes (in which the stunt-men clearly wait to be hit or thrown), and a voice-over that attempts to add exposition, but which only makes matters even more confusing. It's also incredibly boring for much of its running time, only picking up in the final act, which is so unintentionally hilarious that its hard not to enjoy on some level. For those brave enough to sit through this crud, here are the film's more memorable bits:

A man screaming "No pictures!!!" and then stamping on a woman's camera.

A 'respected business' whose company sign is written in marker pen on a piece of cardboard.

A Mexican restaurant that features quite possibly the worst Latina band in history.

A severed hand scuttling across the floor.

A man with his face peeled off.

Jan romping naked with her portly policeman boyfriend.

Medusa (Kay Baxter Young), the female demon, punching a building, causing it to collapse.

Tong Lee suddenly performing monkey style kung fu (easily the funniest thing about the whole film).
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