A review of the embedded Bugs Bunny dream sequence . . .
27 December 2015
Warning: Spoilers
. . . which takes up about 3 minutes and 2.5 seconds of this 86 minute flick, and which is the only part of this film that I've seen (and perhaps will ever see). This animated interlude (with an additional 33 seconds of explanatory preface screens) is included as an appendix (or bonus feature) on the LOONEY TUNES GOLDEN COLLECTION (VOLUME 1), DISC ONE: BUGS BUNNY 2003 DVD release from Warner Bros. It is the first of two items presented under the heading of "Bugs Bunny at the Movies." (The second is a more extensive "dream" appearance by Bugs in the 1949 Doris Day vehicle, MY DREAM IS YOURS.) Bugs is only on-screen for about 30 seconds of this three-minute cartoon insert. He offers the apparent loser in this putative love-triangle story some dating advice, which turns out so badly (Jack Carson's shepherd cartoon caricature is buried in a pile of shoes thrown by the disgruntled lambs he's tried to woo away with inferior crooning from the suave singing interloper 'Toon standing in for Dennis Morgan) that one would think that the snide Bugs is in cahoots with the Morgan character. Basically, Bugs is included here as a mere afterthought at best, or trumped-up window-dressing to the more cynical.
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