Review of Lucy

Lucy (I) (2014)
Cher Luc - your Lucy is le mess-du-chaud…j'regrais!
20 December 2015
Warning: Spoilers
OK so my 'franglais' aside - as a fan of the Fifth Element (which like most fans I've watched about 5 times!) and the witty, fast-paced Transporter films, I was intrigued by the ambitions of Lucy and in full readiness to be wowed by whatever progressive quantum physics-ish theories or summaries Monsieur Besson was positing…only to be completely frustrated & disappointed...from the early and amateurish editing conceits of cross-cutting National Geographic footage of hunting lions with the unfolding plot line all the way to the no-doubt secretly amused but on-screen on podium pontificating Morgan Freeman sporting serious demean strapping the Ueber-female in the sexy form of the seriously underutilized talents of Scarlett J into some sort of chair with electrodes to record whatever wisdom she would wow the assembled Great Minds of Europe with while the Great Police Chief of Paris assured them he'd 'try' to keep a violent Chinese drug cartel at bay so they could complete their all-important downloading process prior to all being killed (potentially), but which sadly was a feat evidently beyond the means of the entire Paris police to achieve… sheesh, the list of anomalies is as long as this violent yet ultimately yawn-worthy yarn of hotch-potch theories springing from an apparently atheist writer/director's mind. I seriously, simply couldn't believe what a hot mess it all was! It seems that all auteurish early success male independent writer/directors go thru this particular stage of middle age (in the case of M.Night Shyamalan, early middle-age...perhaps because his success was so great and SO soon?!) creative crisis when they're determined to make Something Serious & Significant - but by stepping outside the perimeters of what they do best, fall flat on their fully funded faces! So sorry. Hope for better ( = MUCH better!!!) next time. Merci, beaucoup! :)
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